
This website is the online learning environment of FRAMES (Flood Resilient Areas by MultilayEred Safety). The FRAMES project is co-funded by the EU Interreg North Sea Region Program.

  • 1 October 2016 - 31 July 2020
  • Total budget € 6.924.911
  • ERDF contribution € 3.462.455

The wiki was developed by the HZ University of Applied Sciences, with input from the entire FRAMES partnership:



FRAMES addresses the shared territorial challenge that on-going climate change results in increasing sea levels and extreme rainfall patterns for areas and communities in the North Sea Region. The physical, economic and social effects of floods are likely to increase further. Traditional flood prevention measures (physical infrastructure) are expensive and may not be sustainable for the future. There will never be enough resources to protect every single citizen from flooding, but if we smartly combine resilience measures we can minimise impact. No one organisation or member state has the knowledge to develop sustainable solutions for these challenges alone. For this, we use the Multi-Layer Safety (MLS) concept as a starting point. The MLS concept is a policy strategy that integrates measures for: prevention, mitigation via spatial planning and emergency response. These layers are traditionally managed by different authorities and sectors, but through MLS, the barriers are lifted and the stakeholders jointly apply the most effective combination of solutions. The MLS principles are being acknowledged by more and more authorities and practitioners across the NSR, but have thus far not been developed in a transnational way. The FRAMES partners are experimenting with MLS-related concepts and will build on this experience to realise sustainable strategies and improve the capacity of authorities and society to cope with flooding.

Contact details

For questions, remarks or other comments about this wiki or FRAMES in general, feel free to contact Jean-Marie Buijs of the HZ University of Applied Sciences.


This website only reflects the authors' views. Authors of this website are contributing partners to the FRAMES project. The programme authorities of Interreg North Sea Region are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.